ウタカタ – Water Cycle –
UTAKATA – Water Cycle –
2025/2/11(火)- 2/16(日)12:00-19:00(最終日 17:00)
Tue. 11th – Sun. 16th Feb 2025 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Last day until 5:00 PM)
大山里奈 OHYAMA Rina (http://rinaohyama.com/)
白石綾 SHIRAISHI Aya (https://www.instagram.com/aya_shiraishi_2.4/)
三好由起 MIYOSHI Yuki (https://miyoshiyuki.com/)
Production Cooperation
槇田篤哉 MAKITA Atsuya
“Water” always exists around us, changing its form as solid, liquid, and gas.
Three of us artist with similar sensibilities, worked together to turn this phenomenon, into some artworks.
Member’s Statements
-大山里奈 OHYAMA Rina
Water, drifting through the world, sometimes visible, sometimes invisible, constantly changing its form. Whether it circulates on a global scale or within this room, the water from the past or future may be the same single body of water. And I believe that “a single drop” is the beginning of this world.
家の脇には沢水が流れています。 山肌から染み出した水が細い流れとなって、家の脇を通り、川からダム、海に向かって流れています。 沢水の中には小型の昆虫が生息していて、水路に降り積もった落ち葉をゆっくり分解して土に還しています。 こうした小さな循環で成り立つ世界の不思議さを、ただなぞってみたいと思うのです。
There is a stream of water flowing on the side of the house. The water seeps out of the mountainside and flows from the river to the sea. Small insects live in the streams, and they slowly decompose the fallen leaves that have fallen in the waterways and return them to the soil. I just want to trace the wonders of the world made up of these small cycles.
-三好由起 MIYOSHI Yuki
I extract water from the atmosphere and create artworks. From the moment the water or frost appears until it returns to the atmosphere, I think about the suffering those who cannot be saved by this one drop, and the disaster that this one drop may cause in the future.
At the same time, I remember the time when the frost in my freezer had been building up for six years and wouldn’t melt, so I had to knock it off with a crowbar, and I feel like apologizing to the moisture in the atmosphere. The water that appears here now connects time and space. In this exhibition, my artworks are several type of gates connecting these two.
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※本展覧会は「2023年度 公益財団法人小笠原敏晶記念財団 調査・研究等への助成」における活動報告を含みます。